Lots Of Life

There is a lot of life in a day

Dashing past a blind woman waiting
patiently for her destination.
Awareness dripping from her stance,
she whiffs dogs and attends to crooked sidewalks.
Decidedly punctual in her desire to move, she

Oceans of life in a day

The teacher stops at the classroom door,
taking a breath, before students roar.
They come with different histories,
varied insights, unique blind spots.
The teacher imagines what students will receive,
often feeling blind with what they leave.

There is a lot of life in a day

A scientist arriving,
blessing work and lab and
patrons who enable meaningful search.
Conclusions find scientists while dreaming, working.
Led blindly by an intuition,
the struggle pays by history remembering.

Oceans of life in a day

Falling for a lover to love
drops joy everywhere in sight.
Smile wrinkles increase
blinding the future.
Walking in life with a loved lover
results in the best lover love.

There is a lot of life in a day




- artwork by Andreas Gursky
- mailed to Ohio -